You are standing in front of the railway station building in Zagórz. Its construction was finished in 1917. It reminds us of the railway identity of Zagórz, which in the second half of the 19th century, thanks to the construction of the railway line connecting Vienna and Budapest with the Przemyśl Fortress, quickly changed from a small, provincial, agricultural settlement into a dynamically developing railway junction of strategic importance.
A memorial plaque from 1972 on the facade of the station reminds us of this breakthrough period in the history of our town. It commemorates the hundredth anniversary of the construction of the previously mentioned main railway section connecting Krościenko, Zagórz and Łupków, as well as the efforts of several generations of railwaymen working at the Zagórz railway junction.
On 19th September 1880, on the way from Sambor to Łupków, the Emperor of Austria, Franz Joseph I, traveling through Galicia in his court train, stopped at the Zagórz station and met with representatives of local authorities and the local population1.
Projekt pn. Szlak osobliwości historycznych Zagórza.
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