The old cemetery in Zagórz, in front of which you are standing, dates back to the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, and is located on the top of the "Terepków" hill, on the provincial road running towards Komańcza. The eastern boundary of the cemetery is marked by an artificial, deep gorge along which the railway line of the former First Hungarian-Galician Railway runs. At the main entrance you will see a commemorative cross with the dates of uprisings and wars. When you visit the old cemetery in Zagórz you can see:
• The Truskolaski Family burial chapel from 1840, renovated by the Gubrynowicz family, it was entered into the register of monuments
• The Gubrynowicz family burial chapel, where Bronisław Gubrynowicz (1870-1933) was buried
• The tomb of Countess Sobańska
• The grave of the Discalced (Barefoot) Carmelites
• A commemorative cross commemorating the Polish uprisings and other historical events; a place of annual religious and patriotic celebrations. It was placed here in the interwar period
• The tombstone of the Galant family: Józef Galant (1862-1905), a doctor, social activist, and his wife Maria (1878-1929)
• The tombstone of the Łobaczewski family, relatives of Erazm Łobaczewski
• Graves of the January insurgents, including: Bronisław Polityński
• The tomb of the Łepkowski family
• The grave of Józef Winnicki – the Zagórz parish priest
Projekt pn. Szlak osobliwości historycznych Zagórza.
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